Please note that you may make a claim directly to your lender and/or the Financial Ombudsman Service without using the services of our firm or incurring any fees.

High Cost Lender Refunds

Loans2Go Refund Claims

Making An Affordability Complaint

Are you considering making a Loans2Go claim? If so, Ingram Toft are the firm to choose. We have an impressive track record of successful cases, and we are proud to be one of the few firms that specialise in Loans2Go claims. We strongly believe in the importance of an individualised service, which is why each client gets a dedicated lawyer to handle their case. Our team has extensive knowledge of the legal and regulatory environment surrounding Loans2Go, so we can advise you on the best approach and provide you with the best possible outcome. We understand that taking legal action can seem daunting, so our team is on hand to answer any questions you may have and provide all the guidance and support you need. So why use Ingram Toft for your Loans2Go claim? Put simply, we have the experience and expertise to ensure you get the best results.

Click Here to Start Your Loans 2 Go Refund Claims

About Loans2Go

Loans2Go has been providing financial solutions since 2009 and is one of the UK's leading online lenders. The company's mission is to provide customers with an easy, secure and stress-free way to borrow money.

Over the years, Loans2Go has continued to grow and develop, with a wide range of loan products designed to meet the needs of their customers. Loans2Go has a commitment to responsible lending, providing loans with low interest rates, flexible payment plans and a commitment to customer service.

As the company has grown, they have expanded their services to include online applications and a live chat option, making it easier than ever to get the funds you need. Loans2Go is also committed to providing clear and transparent information to their customers, giving them all the information they need to make an informed loan decision.

With a long history of providing quality financial solutions to customers, Loans2Go is a reliable and trustworthy option for those in need of a loan.


Catalogue Credit Refund Enquiry

How do you know if you have been a victim of unsuitable lending ?

Loan Refund Enquiry


Loans2Go Refund Claims

 No Win No Fee

Experts in  Compensation Claims

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FAQ's About Loans2Go Complaints

Click Here to Start Your Loans 2 Go Refund Claims

1. How do I make a complaint about Loans2Go?

You can make a complaint about Loans2Go by calling them directly, using the services of a Claims Management Company

2. What kind of complaints can I make about Loans2Go?

You can make complaints about any issues you may have with Loans2Go, including unaffordable lending, misrepresentation, unfair debt collection practices, and any other problems you may have encountered.

3. How do I know if I am eligible for a refund from Loans2Go?

The eligibility for a refund from Loans2Go depends on the nature of your complaint and the evidence you can provide to support your claim.

4. How can I apply for a refund from Loans2Go?

You can apply for a refund from Loans2Go by filling out the refund application form available on their website.

6. Has anyone had a refund from Loans2Go?

Yes, many customers have successfully received a refund from Loans2Go after making a complaint about their services.

7. Can I claim a  Loans2Go refund?

Yes, depending on the nature of your complaint and the evidence you can provide, you may be eligible for a refund from Loans2Go.

8. Is it possible to get a Loans2Go loan refund?

Yes, if you are eligible for a refund and submit an application, you may receive a refund on your Loans2Go loan.

9. How do I make a claim for a Loans2Go refund?

You can make a claim for a Loans2Go refund by filling out the refund application form on their website and submitting it with any evidence you may have to support your claim.

10. Are Loans2Go refunds successful?

Yes, many customers have successfully received a refund from Loans2Go after making a complaint about their services.


11. What are the financial difficulties associated with Loans2Go?

Loans2Go may be associated with a number of financial difficulties. This may include unaffordable lending, misrepresentation, and unfair debt collection practices.

13. Can Loans2Go help if I am struggling to make payments?

Loans2Go may be able to help if you are struggling to make payments. You can contact them directly to discuss your options.

  • 118 118 Money

    If You Have Had Difficulty Repaying Your Loan You May Have Been Missold and Therefore Entitled To A Refund of The Interest You Paid On Your 118 118 Money Loan
  • Avant Credit

    If You Have Had Difficulty Repaying Your Loan You May Have Been Missold and Therefore Entitled To A Refund of The Interest You Paid On Your Avant Credit Loan
  • Everyday Loans

    If You Have Had Difficulty Repaying Your Loan You May Have Been Missold and Therefore Entitled To A Refund of The Interest You Paid On Your Everyday Loans Loan
  • Lending Stream

    If You Have Had Difficulty Repaying Your Loan You May Have Been Missold and Therefore Entitled To A Refund of The Interest You Paid On Your Lending Stream Loan
  • Likely Loans

    If You Have Had Difficulty Repaying Your Loan You May Have Been Missold and Therefore Entitled To A Refund of The Interest You Paid On Your Likely Loans Loan
  • Loans2Go

    If You Have Had Difficulty Repaying Your Loan You May Have Been Missold and Therefore Entitled To A Refund of The Interest You Paid On Your Loans 2 Go Loan
  • Moneybarn

    If You Have Had Difficulty Repaying Your Loan You May Have Been Missold and Therefore Entitled To A Refund of The Interest You Paid On Your Moneybarn Loan
  • Safety Net Credit

    If You Have Had Difficulty Repaying Your Loan You May Have Been Missold and Therefore Entitled To A Refund of The Interest You Paid On Your SafetyNet Credit Loan
  • My Jar

    If You Have Had Difficulty Repaying Your Loan You May Have Been Missold and Therefore Entitled To A Refund of The Interest You Paid On Your MyJar Loan
  • Bamboo

    If You Have Had Difficulty Repaying Your Loan You May Have Been Missold and Therefore Entitled To A Refund of The Interest You Paid On Your Bamboo Loan
  • Savvy

    If You Have Had Difficulty Repaying Your Loan You May Have Been Missold and Therefore Entitled To A Refund of The Interest You Paid On Your Savvy Loan
  • Sunny

    If You Have Had Difficulty Repaying Your Loan You May Have Been Missold and Therefore Entitled To A Refund of The Interest You Paid On Your Sunny Loan
  • Satsuma

    If You Have Had Difficulty Repaying Your Loan You May Have Been Missold and Therefore Entitled To A Refund of The Interest You Paid On Your Satsuma Loan
  • Ferratum

    If You Have Had Difficulty Repaying Your Loan You May Have Been Missold and Therefore Entitled To A Refund of The Interest You Paid On Your Ferratum Loan
  • DoorStep

    If You Have Had Difficulty Repaying A Door Step Loan You May Have Been Missold and Therefore Be Entitled To A Refund of The Interest You Paid. Examples of Door step Lenders include Provident and Morses Club
  • Loans at Home

    If You Have Had Difficulty Repaying A Door Step Loan You May Have Been Missold and Therefore Be Entitled To A Refund of The Interest You Paid. Examples of Door step Lenders include Provident and Morses Club
  • provclaims-refunds

    If You Have Had Difficulty Repaying A Door Step Loan You May Have Been Missold and Therefore Be Entitled To A Refund of The Interest You Paid. Examples of Door step Lenders include Provident and Morses Club
  • Guarantor

    If You Have Had Difficulty Repaying A Guarantor Loan You May Have Been Missold and Therefore Be Entitled To A Refund of The Interest You Paid. Examples of Guarantor Lenders include Amigo and George Banco
  • MyJar

    If You Have Had Difficulty Repaying A My Jar Loan You May Have Been Missold and Therefore Be Entitled To A Refund of The Interest You Paid.
  • Loans 2 Go

    If You Have Had Difficulty Repaying A Loans 2 Go You May Have Been Missold and Therefore Be Entitled To A Refund of The Interest You Paid.
  • 118 118

    If You Have Had Difficulty Repaying A 118 118 Loan You May Have Been Missold and Therefore Be Entitled To A Refund of The Interest You Paid.
  • 118118

    If You Have Had Difficulty Repaying A 118 118 Loan You May Have Been Missold and Therefore Be Entitled To A Refund of The Interest You Paid.
  • Satsuma

    If You Have Had Difficulty Repaying Your Satsuma Loan You May Have Been Missold and Therefore Entitled To A Refund of The Interest You Paid On Your Satsuma Loan
  • Bamboo

    If You Have Had Difficulty Repaying Your Loan You May Have Been Missold and Therefore Entitled To A Refund of The Interest You Paid On Your Bamboo Loan
  • Loans

    If You Have Had Difficulty Repaying A Door Step Loan You May Have Been Missold and Therefore Be Entitled To A Refund of The Interest You Paid. Examples of Door step Lenders include Provident and Morses Club
  • Loan

    If You Have Had Difficulty Repaying A Door Step Loan You May Have Been Missold and Therefore Be Entitled To A Refund of The Interest You Paid. Examples of Door step Lenders include Provident and Morses Club
  • Door-Step

    If You Have Had Difficulty Repaying A Door Step Loan You May Have Been Missold and Therefore Be Entitled To A Refund of The Interest You Paid. Examples of Door step Lenders include Provident and Morses Club
  • Likely-Loans

    Missold and Therefore Entitled To A Refund of The Interest You Paid On Your Likely Loans Loan
  • loans2go

    If You Have Had Difficulty Repaying A Loans 2 Go You May Have Been Missold and Therefore Be Entitled To A Refund of The Interest You Paid.
  • Credit cards

    Claim Compensation or Get a Refund on Unaffordable CreditCard Fees, Charges and Interest.
  • Provident

    Claim Compensation or Get a Refund on Unaffordable Provident Lending.

If You Have Had Difficulty Repaying Your Loan You May Have Been Missold and Therefore Entitled To A Refund of The Interest You Paid On Your Loans 2 Go Loan

*Please note that you may make a claim directly to your Lender and/or the Financial Ombudsman Service without using the services of our firm and without incurring any fees.


High Cost Loan Refunds

How do you know if you have been mis-sold a High Cost Loan?

*Please note that you may make a claim directly to your Lender and/or the Financial Ombudsman Service without using the services of our firm and without incurring any fees.

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We have assisted customers to obtain a refund of interest and charges on their Loans2Go

How do you know if you have been a victim of unsuitable lending ?
How do you know if you have been a victim of irresponsible lending ?

The fact that you paid back your Loans2Go on time does not mean it was affordable.If you struggled to pay it back or you had to take out another loan with the same lender or indeed another company in order to service the loan agreement then the lending was unaffordable. If they failed to undertake the appropriate checks in this regard then you would be entitled to a refund of charges and interest paid

Our Fees

• INGRAM TOFT will take 25% + VAT* (at the prevailing rate) of the amount that you receive, whether this is paid to you or off your agreement.
• No win, no fee basis. If we do not recover you anything, you do not have to pay us!

Our Fees

•  INGRAM TOFT will take 25% + VAT* (at the prevailing rate) of the amount that you receive, whether this is paid to you or off your agreement.
• No win, no fee basis. If we do not recover anything for you, you do not have to pay us!

Why choose us?


Your privacy is guaranteed.


We customise our services according to your needs.


Expert solicitors will guide you every step of the way.

No win, No Fee

If we do not recover anything for you, you don't have to pay us!
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